Through the years, modifications to the original trumpet have taken it through countless models to get to today’s standard.
Extended Play: March 2018
Here are some additional tracks to accompany the reading in the March 2018 issue. Track 1 was selected from the soundtrack to Black Panther. Tracks 2-8 were selected for their relevance to “Classical Revolutions, Pt. 3: From Impressionism to Modernism.” The selections begin with the Impressionist composers Debussy and Ravel, then move to Modernist composers Schoenberg, Berg, Webern, Stravinsky, and …
The Quiz Zone: March 2018
Click the thumbnails below to view and print full-sized copies of the quizzes for our March 2018 issue. Classical Revolutions, Pt. 3: From Impressionism to Modernism Trumpet Family Tree Cover Story: Vance Joy Quiz Answers